Is, like the 67% of businesses across the world, generation of real-time potential or ‘hot’ leads (those who have heightened the chance of conversion) the key challenge for your marketing strategy as well?
Then this is the exact moment you acquaint the 5 distinctive approaches, championed by all pre-eminent lead generation services in India, to get leads and eventually acquire them as customers for long-term.
Such methods exist in this very real world? Yes! And here they arrive:
1. Delve into Regular Blogging

In the opinion of around 94% of expert marketers –
- Content marketing enacts as the most bankable medium to generate potential leads by a scheduled pace.
And to this end, blogging appears as the most effective tactic to adopt, since:
- About 47% of the internet’s quality traffic (people with high buying intent) wish to explore company blogs prior to engaging with it
- The trick of posting 12 blogs/month fetch for businesses over 5X ‘more’ of leads
- Google acknowledges routine blogging over niche subjects and trending topics as the suit-est way to build own brand authority and gain consumer trust
So, to motivate own content team and have the best of productivity from it, right? However, ensure that your endeavor-to-blog is attuned with these best practices-
- Inclusion of as many ‘most searched’ keyword phrases of field as possible; nevertheless, at match with content’s volume and by a natural (no stuffing please!) style
- Providing unique, well-researched and detailed information (blogs ranking at Google’s first search result page possess an average count of 1290 words) instead of repetitive or generic facts
- Tactically infusing links to website’s other significant pages and crucial call-to-action buttons over content’s must-to-attract areas (at exact half-way/in the end)
- Making the blog suitable for voice search by resorting to a more conversational tone, pursuing a Q&A format all over the writing etc
2. Strategized Use of Gated Content
According to the lead analyst of Vision Call Services, when deployed tactically, the method of ‘gating’ own content has brought home for global brands –
- 10,000+ subscribers to its e-mail list from the targeted market by one month
- A standardized and persistent conversion varying within 20-50%
The professional further claims that providing access to site publications through data ‘gates’ or a registration system (asking for users’ name, contact information, job profile, relevant organization etc) is, in essence, –
An effective approach to spot the leads actually interested in ‘you’. Providing own details to browse further through a site is the apt-est positive attitude consumers show for a brand.
However, as proclaimed earlier, you need to be tactical. One best practice to this end prevails that of offering gated contents at definite points of the sales funnel like –
- During the awareness stage when leads are acquainting your commerce for the first time and are not sure whether you can be serviceable to them; permit them to know you better through ‘pieces’ such as infographics, e-books, white papers, ‘how-to’ blogs
- At the consideration phase where prospects are gradually grasping about your brand credibility and judging potentiality of your service; endeavor to further stimulate them by facilitating access to useful software downloads, webinars and highlighting own signature case studies, links to satisfied client portfolios etc
- As leads finally move into the decision stage of picking your business over competitor’s, it is time to engage their minds. Perfect examples of gated contents for this phase include product demonstrations, live consultations, guiding podcasts, free-of-cost trial run, exciting coupons
# Alert: Attempt to keep the registration process simpler at the awareness period, with field numbers in forms increasing only as the leads move more down the sales funnel.
- Make sure each content to be ‘gated’ is of absolute quality and is potent to provide real-time value to a user who is registering to reach out it only
- Check if rivals are providing alike contents in a ‘free’ style; the competitive disadvantage is the last thing you desire, right?
- Ask purely for the details you require to follow-up and nurture a lead; lengthy forms are highly prone to create UX friction and make prospective customers consequently bounce back
3. Champion the Power of Email Marketing

In the outlook of veteran outsourcing lead generation services worldwide, e-mail marketing is still the most productive tactic to fetch ‘hot’ leads with a 77% ratio of success every time.
But, like every marketing method, you require to put it to use in the very best of fashion. Resort to the ‘hacks’ of-
- Conducting at-depth market research to rightfully identify consumers worthy as leads and who are in actual pursuit of product/service you are offering
- Devising an adept weekly newsletter plan to keep in touch with prospects, once the communication has begun; send them useful lifestyle tips, informative contents and latest news -all corresponding to your niche – thus ‘making’ them remind you and considering of accessing you
- Providing exclusive offers, freebies, premium membership or early discounts to subscribers and thereby heighten the ‘opt-in’ rate
- Having a strengthened and scalable opt-in strategy so as to never lose or dissatisfy a subscriber
- Tailor-making the mail with information that your target consumers can instantly relate to, in this regard remember to keep e-mail content crisp and to the point with an impulsive Call-to-Action (but not too sales pitched!); think of ‘punchy’, mind-engaging and more direct subject lines as well
- Utilizing AI to identify the days and hours your leads remain most active over the web and thereupon scheduling the mail delivery
- Including links to action-oriented landing pages of own site (shopping cart, products, videos, contact info) rather ambiguously directing users to the general Home Page or blog section
- Highlighting, but not in an overtly promotional way, happy client reviews and successful project stories to give prospects the most quantifiable idea of own brand quality
- Putting in, as suitable, graphics and micro-interactions into e-mails; such mails receive over 79% of higher CTR than the plain text ones
- Not forgetting to optimize mails for mobile devices; around 75% of online shoppers are habituated in opening e-mails via their phones and tablets with 67% carrying on further communications with a brand through the same
- Availing G-mail ads to campaign at the consumer fraternity competitors have been mailing to; an optimum opportunity to show leads why you differ in your niche through lucrative purchase schemes, industry-relevant catchy phrases, attractive mail layouts etc
4. Analyze Site Behavior
Some times you do feel at a loss, right regarding the ever-increasing bounce rate of your website? By the perspective of ace lead generation call center services, given to the-
- Heightened number of business sites at present
- Corresponding rise in the quotient of online customers
It is turning way-much difficult to predict what people inherently expect and how visitors can definitely be transformed into leads.
However, what these agencies opine is that you should take on periodic and detailed assessment of visitors’ behavior and browse-time activities at your domain to understand:
- What’s hindering them from converting?
- Why do they dislike a webpage or avoid a form fill-up?
- Which CTAs are attracting/agonizing them?
- How can their surfing sessions be improved so as to have them as potential leads?
And over this aspect, the 4 chief indicators to avail come up as:
- Interpreting user’s journey path at your site; total time spent, immediate activity after landing, most common behaviors exhibited throughout browsing, pattern of movement from one page to another, final action before bouncing back, page or CTA with maximum bounce rate
- Identifying the most consistent sources of traffic to domain; whether it is from guest blogging, social media, discussion forums, infographics, video marketing and thus focusing more on empowering that
- Recognizing contents that are attracting good consumer feedback and getting good-enough social shares; promote them as evergreen contents through a separate landing page at the portal site to minimize the overall bounce ratio
- Assessing the rising frequency of bounce rate in relation to brand’s pop-up ads; remember though most suit-est medium to pitch product promotion from your side, these advertisements often interrupt browsing sessions thereby causing ‘netizens’ to close it ‘off’
5 ‘Sync In’ with Trending Tactics
And how? Through
- Integrating YouTube into lead generation strategy; utilize world’s second largest search engine to tell own story, aware people of the business and its USPs through ahead-of-time videos that are potent to heighten CTA engagement by 95%
- Joining Quora discussions over own niche topics and thereby building brand authority; in the view of top-most lead generation services in India being regular and relevant at Quora can alone fetch you 1000+ leads
- Optimizing mobile page speed (through AMP plug-in) to meet Google’s 5 seconds benchmark and thus strengthening possibility for conversion by an 80x pace
Optimum lead generation to you!