As everyone know that fitness is a health system, purpose at maintaining and improving physical performance, body shaping, and weight normalization. In order for fitness classes to bring beginners the desired effect, you should familiarize yourself with a number of recommendations and tips. This will avoid typical mistakes, achieve an improvement in physical fitness without any harm to health.
It is not enough to exercise regularly in the gym, you still need to pay increased attention to proper nutrition, that is, to follow a fitness diet. You may also want to learn about how to run a nutrition challenge powered by hsn mentoring. Most begin to practice fitness to lose weight and adjust the figure. You can get this result only if you completely change both the daily routine and the menu, eliminating harmful products from it , replacing them with healthy food.
You can do in the gym or at home. The main thing is that training, regardless of the venue, will help to solve not only the problem of excess weight, but also prevent the risk of developing or curing many systemic disorders and diseases.
Through fitness What you can achieve:
- a significant improvement in the condition of the blood vessels and heart muscle;
- getting rid of joint pain;
- treatment of spondylosis, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, scoliosis and other pathologies of the spine;
- normalization of metabolism;
- stimulate the healing process of the body.
Fitness helps to cope with depression and some other mental disorders, without resorting to taking medication. A similar effect on the body due to the production of serotonin, which occurs during exercise. This particular connection causes joy and satisfaction in life in the human brain. It is present in most antidepressants.
The concepts of fitness and health have the same meaning. Systematically performed exercises are aimed not only at maintaining muscle tone, but also prevent apoptosis – premature genetically determined cell death. This phenomenon is one of the main causes of aging. In other words, a person practicing fitness gets the opportunity to prolong youth.
How Much Types of fitness
This type of physical activity has several varieties, each of which is intended for certain categories of people, solves specific sports or recreational goals. There are power and sparing systems, male and female types of fitness.
Along with the above, there are the following varieties:
The complex of exercises based on quiet, smooth, slow movements. It does not imply high loads. Its main advantages are the absence of any contraindications to classes, low injury risk. Pilates exercisesstrengthen muscles without pumping up, increase flexibility, and make joints more mobile.
Popular direction of fitness, which includes dance, kick, slide and water aerobics. Exercises performed to music, adjust the figure, develop feelings of harmony and rhythm, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
Dip Bar
Nobody has time for go to the gym regularly because it is time consuming and tuff. If you have no time to go to the gym bring a portable dip bar at your home it is good for you.
The basis of this system is the principle of proper breathing when performing all the exercises of the complex. Bodyflex is ideal for people who want to get rid of extra pounds, helps to normalize the metabolic processes occurring in the body.
It consists in performing a variety of exercises with a special ball. Ideal for those who want to adjust their posture , improve coordination, tighten the buttocks, strengthen the dorsal muscles.