It may happen that you have to travel with your family on vacation; or there might be a sudden business trip that you cannot postpone or cancel. What happens to your pet dog in such a case? Here are some options that will relieve you of your dilemma and provide you concrete options to take care of your pet while you are away.

They provide a safe and reliable place to lodge your dog and are easily found with a simple search on the internet. You can also ask anyone in your neighborhood about them. The flip side is that these kennels may not offer a complimentary bath to the dog and are mostly run without human supervision after closing time. So your dog might feel lonely and alone at night.
High-end boarding facilities for pets
These offer a luxurious and spacious environment for your pet dog. Typical examples would include a home like environment with extra plush bedding, stimuli-packed play areas, and lots of one to one attention from the staff. Some facilities also offer on complimentary basis grooming services, an extra cage, extra play times and even a webcam so you can keep an eye on your dog.
The flip side is that the facilities may burn a hole in your pocket as they are expensive and secondly, the large open area and cage free time may give rise to dog fights or opportunities for the dog to escape.
Veterinary offices and dog clinics
Keeping your dog with your veterinarian is a very good option as the veterinarian is able to take care of the dog and prescribe vitamins and prescriptions that may make the dog even healthier. The flipside is that veterinary practices tend to be chaotic and noisy and the dog might end up spending it’s time in a cage.
Dog walking and playing services
Dog walking and playing services come in handy when you are away from home. It is a good idea to pay a dog sitter a nominal sum of money to take out your dog out for a walk or to play with it and feed it while you are away. The advantage is that your dog will have regular and timely play sessions and there will be no need to put it in a cage. The disadvantage is that you tend to rely on a single person and at night when the sitter goes away; there will be no person to look after your dog.
Overnight care at your home
In this arrangement, you pay a dog sitter to stay overnight at your home and look after your dog. While this is an expensive affair, the advantage is that the dog remains at your own home in familiar surroundings. The risk however is that person should be covered with insurance and should have a license and bonding.
Overnight care in a sitter’s home
This arrangement also works very well as you are able to take your dog to the sitter’s place and leave it there. The dog does not feel lonely because there are other dogs there to give it company and the sitter is able to give full attention to your dog. On the flip side your dog might have to stay loose with other dogs and so there are chances of dog fights occurring.
Friend or Family
You also have a choice of leaving your pet dog with a family member or a close friend. As they are aware of your fondness towards your dog they will do their utmost to make sure that your dog is well looked after in your absence. The will feed the dog, take it out for a walk, play with it and give it a bath. The biggest advantage is that your dog remains in safe hands and does not feel lonely as it recognizes the faces of the people. The flip side is that as family members and friends are not professional animal carers, they may not be able to detect signs of illness or discomfort in a dog.
For more information about Dog Kennels Edmonton and Dog Daycare Edmonton Please visit : Club Mead Pet Resort.