In terms of finance all human being are equal be it, men or women, earn, save and spend. It depends on how smartly one is investing and when having a credit card, one has to be extra careful. A credit card can be of great help in case of a cash crunch, in building a credit score and in maximizing the savings. Depending upon the need of different women different credit cards has been designed on the basis of four major roles played by a woman during her lifetime. Now it easy to fill a credit card application form.
The Single Strong Woman:
A single woman is the strongest of all as all the challenges are faced by her all alone. Therefore, she needs financial freedom to keep her empowered. For this Kotak offers Kotak Royale Signature Credit Card.
With no annual fee, a woman can save on yearly charges. This card gives 4x reward points on travel, international spends and dining giving the full freedom to travel and eat out often. Another benefit of this card is, with an annual retail spend of 8 lakhs you can get up to 30,000 reward points.
The Victorious Working Woman:
These women have an in-built power to use their financial independence wisely. They understand and value their freedom. Therefore, making the right choice of spending their money is of great importance. For these women, there is the American Express Gold Card.
Offering rewards and a high offer bonus membership points on joining this card is really great for a working woman. It has no pre-set spending limit and zero liabilities. Depending upon the financial history and spending pattern credit limit is set. It also offers 20% off on dining but at selected restaurants.
The Mom on the Run:
To all the moms out there, raising their children and providing all the facilities in the world, you deserve a great facility for yourself too. So, there comes a card with silver lining just for you. The YES First Preferred it is for all the needs and especially for the mom who is on call 24/7.
With many great benefits and offers on shopping, entertainment and dining this card are just apt for you. No annual fee and an attractive interest rate from 1.99% per month one can earn a lot of rewards. 15,000 reward points on spending with the card within 90 days of getting the card, 10,000 bonus points on getting the card renewed and also a discount of 25% on movie tickets booked by BookMyShow. Apart from this, there are many other benefits to this card.
The Wise Retired Woman:
For all the retired woman, it is now the time to sit back, relax and enjoy little things of your life. But these little things sometimes cost money. For this IndusInd bank offers IndusInd Bank Platinum Credit card.
No joining fees are charged, and this card gives a high amount of rewards. For every Rs. 150 spent by this card you get 1.5 reward points. You get free movie tickets across various entertainment partners by this card. Along with comprehensive insurance benefits it can also be used to get a fuel-surcharge waiver at all fuel stations. It also has a great advantage of Priority Pass membership for both you and your partnership for both you and your partner.