Those of us who have come to know and love Spyderco for its knives have generally associated it with a refusal to accept the norm and to shatter standards wherever they lie. Typically, we have grown to love their innovative designs featuring unconventional but immediately recognizable blade profiles and finger loops and holes for an advantaged grip. We also associate Spyderco with stronger and newer locking mechanisms that bring folders ‘into the fold’ where only powerful fixed blades dared to tread.

Long renowned for its revolutionary designs and proprietary assets that brought its folders to such levels, Spyderco is also a producer of some of the finest and most coveted kitchen knife sets available. Though typically we might place connoisseurs of cupboard, cabinet, and kitchen into a different echelon from those who find themselves at home in shop and field, Spyderco, ever ready to break convention, has made its ingress into the impossible and done it again. The blades they offer enable you to build a Spyderco Kitchen Knife Set to rival anything else on the market.
One might, at first thought, be tempted to think there are two standards to which we hold knives when comparing sets for the kitchen and blades for the sportsman. Though the trappings might vary nominally, at its most basic the traits that make a good hunting knife or shop knife still make a quality chef’s knife or santoku. Starting with its most basic and essential offering, Spyderco offers a kitchen utility knife in models with straight and serrated edges. Both models feature a black polypropylene handle for strength and ease of cleaning, as MBS-26 steel blades. Between the necessity of paring, slicing rolls, and carving roasts, these models will find themselves at home in your set, and being from Spyderco, you can rest assured they will excel at whatever tasks your culinary demands will apply to them. Spyderco also boasts a cook’s knife with a full tang riveted to a black Corian handle for general utility in the kitchen. A sheepsfoot blade gives added strength at the tip and additional leverage, something that will come in handy while putting the ten-inch blade to the task of separating ribs, carving, or butterflying. Building the repertoire is Spyderco’s bread knife, an essential element of any kitchen knife set and indispensable for preparing not only bread but cake and for ease of carving larger dishes such as whole hams. Finally, but not least of all, is Spyderco’s Santoku. With the same black sermollan handle as its companions and plenty of beef to the blade, this style of knife is the perfect all-purpose blade for the kitchen and excellently rounds out a Spyderco kitchen knife set. It can be used for nearly any culinary task and excels at most if not all.
When you are sold on building your next set of kitchen knives from Spyderco’s exemplary wares, you can trust in White Mountain Knives to be your supplier. Boasting a massive inventory and access to more stock than they even list through their site, White Mountain Knives has what you need and at the right prices to build your collection. What’s even better is that orders ship free in the United States. Finding the right blades is a breeze thanks to White Mountain Knives’ unparalleled selection. Head to today to start building your list – one set of kitchen knives might suffice, but once you’ve seen what they offer you’ll be well on your way to supplementing your camping array or your bug out bag. They have all you need in one place.
For more information about Best Quality Pocket Knife and Benchmade Pocket Knife Please visit : White Mountain Knives.