Rapid development of cutting edge technologies has brought forward the fourth industrial revolution. Machines today can efficiently communicate with each other and also with people in real time as this is the Age of Internet of Things (IoT) and business leaders today can make informed decisions based on the superior technical assistance provided by the data analysts. The volume and nature of data has also changed significantly due to advances in digital technology and we generate a colossal amount of data today. Big data is helping many to achieve their dreams and you can too if you aim to make a career in BDA and undergo a big data certification program.
Let’s take a look at some of the fascinating facts on Big Data:
• In a new research report by Research N Reports it is claimed that Big Data in Oil and Gas market will grow at a CAGR of +12% during the forecast period of 2019-2026.
• The Big data as a Service (BDaaS) market is growing at a CAGR of 24.51% and currently valued at USD 8.90 billion and is expected to grow to USD 31.75 billion within 2024.
• 7-11 and other large retailers use big data analytics to understand customer needs, manage inventory and enhance supply chains. They can predict beforehand what customers may need more and what may get out of stock thereby acting on it quickly.
• The accumulated data in the world was close to 5 EB in 2003 and it is expected to be around 44 ZB by 2020.
• Political parties in India are utilizing big data analytics to better understand the mood of the voters before the general elections, 2019.
How Malaysia is leveraging big data?
The Malaysian digital economy is expected to approach 20% of the total economy by 2020 and the ecommerce industry is expected to exceed 27 billion USD and leveraging big data is the main reason behind that. The Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation and its big data initiative ADAX has been encouraging not only industry leaders but also small businesses to adopt BDA. BDA providers like DataMicron and Fusionex with their products Insta BI and SME FORYOU are helping local businesses to use the fruits of BDA in an affordable price. However the country lacks skilled data professionals and with a big data certification course you can seize the big job opportunities available in Malaysia.