In spite of the fact that scientists have pinpointed how Down disorder happens, regardless they don’t know especially concerning why it occurs. This can make it hard to comprehend whether you are in danger of having an infant with Avoid Down Syndrome. “There have been speculations about whether it’s because of how well the mother processes folate, yet there are similarly the same number of studies saying no as studies saying yes,” clarifies Kenneth Rosenbaum, M.D., author of the division of hereditary qualities and digestion and co-executive of the Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C. “Generally, we just don’t comprehend this just as we might want,” he says.
متلازمة الداون is a condition that happens when an infant is imagined with a full or halfway additional duplicate of chromosome 21. In around 3 percent to 4 percent of youngsters with Down disorder, there are two full 21st chromosomes and a fractional additional chromosome 21 adhered to an alternate chromosome through and through, the consequence of a procedure called translocation. Down disorder happens all around the globe, in individuals of each race and monetary foundation. Furthermore, despite the fact that it is a hereditary condition, you doubtlessly won’t have any family ancestry. “By and large, the additional chromosome appears to occur by shot,” says Emily Jean Davidson, M.D., clinical executive of the Down Syndrome Program at Boston Children’s Hospital. Down disorder can happen at any maternal age, however the likelihood increments as a lady gets more established. So, on the off chance that you have one kid with Down disorder, your shot of having a second kid with the condition is around 1 percent for a mother more than 40. In the event that your child has a translocation, doctors will propose checking the two guardians’ chromosomes to check whether the translocation emerged in the infant (most ordinarily the case) or if either parent is a bearer. Provided that this is true, hereditary testing can pinpoint the reason and decide your individual possibility of repeat.

Be that as it may, there is one key hazard factor for Down disorder: maternal age. A 25-year-elderly person has a 1 of every 1,200 possibility of having an infant with Down disorder; by 35, the hazard has expanded to 1 out of 350; by age 40, to 1 out of 100; and by 49, it’s 1 out of 10, as per the National Down Syndrome Society. On the off chance that you are more than 35 and reasoning about getting pregnant, you and your accomplice might need to experience hereditary directing to all the more exactly pinpoint your hazard.
Notwithstanding your age, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology prescribes that every single pregnant lady ought to be offered pre-birth hereditary screening for Down disorder and other hereditary conditions. Amid weeks 11 to 14 of your pregnancy, a blood test joined with a ultrasound (which checks the thickness at the back of the embryo’s neck, known as its nuchal translucency) can recognize Down disorder in 82 to 87 percent of cases, with insignificant hazard to you or your child. On the off chance that you are more than 35 or have other realized hazard factors, your specialist may likewise recommend a fetal DNA test (sold economically as MaterniT21 or Harmony) amid the primary trimester; it has a 99 percent exactness rate since it works by sequencing the little bits of your child’s DNA that flows in your circulatory system amid pregnancy. In your second trimester, another blood test, known as the various marker screening, or quad screening (since it checks the dimension of four distinct substances in your blood) can identify Down disorder with 80 percent exactness. On the off chance that any of these screening tests raise a warning, you can have an indicative test, for example, amniocentesis or chorionic villus inspecting (CVS), however these methodology do convey a little danger of premature delivery. Choosing whether to be screened, and which tests to have, is an individual decision: “A few ladies feel that the more data they have, the better they can set themselves up, or they may settle on some extreme choices,” says Dr. Davidson, taking note of that diagnosing Down disorder in utero helps specialists know to keep close tabs on whether your infant has any conceivably dangerous related issues, for example, innate coronary illness. “Yet, a few families decrease being screened in light of the fact that they feel the data wouldn’t change the course of their pregnancy.”
Monitor your medicinal records with this printable rundown of pre-birth tests
Regardless of what your hazard, recall that Down disorder happens before origination: “Nothing you do amid your pregnancy will expand your hazard or turn around what has just occurred,” Dr. Rosenbaum says. “Everything you can do while pregnant is take the most ideal consideration of yourself and your child by eating great, taking pre-birth nutrients, and following other presence of mind guidance.” If you do get a pre-birth conclusion of Down disorder, the National Down Syndrome Society ( has a word of wisdom for eager guardians; and are other valuable assets.