When an emergency takes place within your business, the security measures set in place will determine whether the incident results in catastrophic failure or in a minor incident with short production downtime and fewer consequences.
There are three main reasons why you might consider installing critical alarm systems in your business setting:
Protect facilities and machinery within your business
Your business facilities and equipment are likely the bigger investment you will do in growing your business. Timesaving, the best quality of the products, more control and efficiency are just some of the benefits of relying heavily on equipment and machinery for your business. However, when selecting the most efficient machinery for our business, we need to be aware of the need for protecting this critical equipment from the failure of an inadvertent mistake since maintaining a correct operation on the premises is key for a smooth running of the entire production process that leads to return in investment. Unfortunately, it is not always enough being aware of the risks and taking all the necessary steps to prevent incidents. Sudden failures occur in seconds, and the time taken to detect and raise the alarm is vital for the future of your business. The right incident management consists in carrying out all the risk assessment required to prevent an incident, along with the operation of proper alarm systems that permits communicate, reduce further risks and solve the issue occurred. Incident management is key to avoid it to develop into a more serious issue with damaging consequences.
Ensure the safeguarding and welfare of lone workers
Lone workers are those workers who work without direct supervision. It includes the mechanics of a factory or fairground as well as small shop shopkeepers or an out-of-hours employee. Some businesses fail to recognize lone workers in premises, and doing so, highly increase their risk of exposure to hazards. Some avoidable incidents are those that can be registered on a regular risk assessment. It is the responsibility of a business to set risk assessment registers in premises and eradicate potential danger. Some good practices that can be carried out by workers are Check-in and Out to verify that equipment is working in order as well as notify the safeguarding officer in premises, to remove or review immediate-danger hazards. Nevertheless, even when prevention ensures that exposure to the danger of lone workers is more reduced, there is always a certain level of risk when it comes to working as a lone worker. A great measure of security for those who work under these characteristics can be the provision of devices that help to communicate and contact between the worker and the company.
Reduce the costs of stock loss and production downtime
Delays in delivery and loss of merchandise due to an issue in premises can compromise the reputation of your business. It is well known that the effectiveness of service provided by a company is related to the time of production and subsequent delivery of the products. However, when a failure occurs, the first factor that will be affected is the manufacturing time, in some cases, even closure on the premises is required in order to manage the incident, detect the issue and prevent further damage. Securing that an issue is solved is vital to ensure the safety of staff and security in the premises, although it requires time and labour, and results in important losses for your business reliability and productivity. Installing a robust system of critical alarm on your office or workplace ensures that when an unexpected issue occurs, it will be managed appropriately and effectively, and the smooth running of your business won’t be affected in excess.
Article written by Raquel Rozada, London-based copywriter.