Recently, the media has once again stepped on the calluses of Gamers, and incited the downside of online games, preaching that make people become violent and etc (without even citing the “excess” complement).
Is it really that stigmatization of online games make people obese, lazy and violent, have any true foundation?
Does this kind of media just has to get us out, and does not aggregate into anything in our lives?!
Well, there are those who think that this is “the devil’s thing”, and that it should be “abolished from our lives”, but there are benefits. Here’s a list of 10 benefits that best online games bring to our lives. And all of them, studied and proven as it should be. So sit back in the armchair, and see that online games can give you a Power Up!
1 – Improved dexterity: A study of plastic surgeons around the world has revealed that those who play video games are 27% faster in their procedure and are 37% less likely to make mistakes compared to those who do not play.
2 – Better memory: The Federation of American Scientists has revealed that, students remember 90% better of a simulated situation, than a memorization held by a reading (which corresponds to a learning 10% only).
3 – Parkinson’s treatment: Online games that rely on exercise, help and many people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. A study in the UK showed that people suffering from this disease who underwent a 12-week treatment with this system showed an improvement in their speed and 55% balance.
4 – Stay calm: Playing any type of game, reduces by 17% the production of the hormone responsible for stress, cortisol. The “Bejeweled” puzzle showed that more than half of its players showed a 54% reduction of physical stress.
5 – Increased concentration: Gamers can focus on up to six things simultaneously, while non-gamers can focus on up to four. In addition to the fact that people who play video game can perform a test of cognition with 20% more efficiency.
6 – Better vision: Play action games for a few hours, increase the ability to achieve vision, and expand the perimeter of perception.
7 – Marriage: 76% of couples who play video game together, say the relationship is flawless – this should have some exception when the boss loot falls. There is the dick eating loose (in a good way).