A cracked screen is nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone who has a phone has experienced the heart-wrenching terror that comes when their phone falls out of their pocket or slips from their hands. The more shattered a screen is, the more dangerous it becomes – a broken screen can cut thumbs that swipe over it, and the spider webbing of fractures can obscure your vision so much that the phone is rendered near useless. But going in for even an iphone 7 lcd screen replacement at an Apple store can cost well over a hundred dollars if your phone is out of warranty, and if your phone has any other damage, you’ll have to pay even more.

Thankfully, there are other ways to get an iPhone 7 LCD screen replacement without breaking the bank. If you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, metaphorically speaking, you can order the touch screen replacement from a parts distributor like iDemiGods and fix your screen yourself. At iDemiGods, specifically, you can get an iPhone 7 Full Digitizer LCD Screen Assembly White or an iPhone 7 Full Digitizer LCD Screen Assembly Black for just $32.
It is worth noting this is more expensive than the replacement fee for an iPhone if you have Apple’s AppleCare+ coverage, but not if you’re out of warranty. Plus, AppleCare+ only covers the first two accidents you have, so if this is your third accident, it won’t be covered by your warranty or your AppleCare+ plan, and you’ll be charged the full $149 out of warranty repair fee, plus the cost of any other repairs needed at the time you take your phone in, and shipping costs if it needs to be mailed.
Chances are if you’re reading this article you’re out of warranty and feeling out of luck, so let me assure you that it is far less expensive to order a replacement screen and fix your iPhone yourself. That is, of course, if you do it right, so be careful! There are plenty of videos online that can walk you through the process of removing your old screen and hooking up your new one, but let me walk you through a few key points you’ll need to bear in mind.
Replacing an iPhone screen isn’t hard, it just takes patience and a careful hand. First, you should know that the tools you’ll need for this project are non-negotiable. Phones are extremely intricate pieces of technology packed into a convenient handheld size, so if you dig in with crude tools or the wrong sized tools, you risk damaging sensitive parts around your screen and making matters worse.
The good news is parts distributors that sell replacement screens also typically sell the tools you need to replace them with. iDemiGods keep all their pry tools and tiny screwdrivers under their Tools tab, making it easy to find what you need for the job.
Once you’ve cracked open your phone and gotten into the nitty gritty, take extra care to organize every screw you take out! It’s hard to tell if you’re unfamiliar with the parts, but your iPhone 7 utilizes several different kinds of screws, and if you put the wrong one in the wrong place, you can damage the delicate machinery. iDemiGods stocks a special iScrews iPhone Screw Tray Mat for iPhone 7 to help you sort your screws if you need the help, and if you lose a tiny screw you can always order an extra from their site as well.
Finally, you should know that an iPhone 7 LCD screen replacement from iDemiGods comes with half of the screen-attached pieces already installed. This means that you only need to transfer over your existing home button assembly, front camera, earpiece speaker, and LCD shield plate yourself. That’s half the work of what you’d have to do if you ordered just a screen from somewhere else, so definitely count that as a win!
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