As major economies move closer towards complete digitization, demand for professionals in data analytics and data science grows astronomically. In fact the profession of data scientist has been termed as the ‘hottest’ of 2019 because of the growing demand. Job listing websites report that every month there are more than 1K openings for data analysts and data scientists and as of March, 2019 there are 3200 openings.

Reasons behind such increase in demand:
• Data analytics and data science has opened new doors for many. Business enterprises seek to gain from predictive analytics in order to take smarter decisions; researchers from a variety of field employ data science techniques like machine learning to create automated systems which in turn helps to save a lot of time; financial institutions take help of data scientists to prevent frauds; people in general get help from the prescriptive analytics models and there are plenty more examples. Thus, data science is being implemented in a variety of fields thereby making the demand for data scientists soar.
• Data being the fuel of any digital economy, data science holds a very important position in countries with digital economy. For instance Malaysia has a definite plan towards embracing data science and employing big data techniques to increase productivity. The country is doing everything to cultivate data in order to become major data hub in South Asia by the virtue of which it can boost its economy. Hence, Malaysia needs a rapid supply of skilled professionals in data science and demand is always high in such an atmosphere.

• Talent gap is another reason behind such a demand for data science and analytics professionals. Companies today look for individuals with specific skills. However, many do not possess the requisite knowledge of basic tools like Excel, Tableau and SQL. Thus, despite of plenty of job opportunities, it is very important to fully equip yourself with training in basic tools especially in a country with a lot of employment opportunity. For instance say Excel training in Malaysia.
Tool to look out for- Excel

MS Excel is one of the easiest tools to master quickly if you are aiming to make a career in data analytics. The software has been a key player in the industry for quite long and today a whopping 750 million people use it worldwide. Excel may not be the software to store massive data sets but it is the most preferred for data preparation. Add in programs in Excel like Analysis ToolPack is very popular and large data bases are taken care of by features like Power Pivot and Power Query. Thus, with a proper Excel training in Malaysia can maximize your chances in landing a lucrative job.